Monday, May 25, 2009


Why things happen when you give up on them, you least expect them? Isn't it that you should desire stg deep inside to get it?Or you should let things go so that they'd come to you?


  1. Some say that you should wait and see what comes to you, then make the best out of it...this would be the ultimate art of life...

  2. I beg to differ , You should go and pick the best for yourself, in that case you have more options. (Estelaho hal kardin ya ne)

  3. Agree with the post, disagree with Rahavard.
    My opinion: You have to have a "true" desire so deep inside that it actually comes as a part of you. Then, it's guaranteed that all comes to you is for good, and no particular day-to-day actions are necessarily required.
    A "true" desire is the other side of the "egoistic" desire. Fortunately, there are enough up and downs in our lives that provides us the opportunity to scrutinize the type and level of our desires.

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  7. My previous comment is from the viewpoint of naturalists, whome I don't agree with much...I am for what Kamangir says....not so sure about the desire and passion that we are born with...I want to plan my life, change my passions...try out different things and do some passion hopping, if you will....
